# 138 Copy List with Random Pointer

這題要把一個除了正常的next pointer之外,還多了random pointer的linked list拷貝一份。


  1. 把每個node都複製一份(只複製value,先不管random pointer),把複製品接在本尊的後面
  2. 把複製品的random pointer也接好
  3. 把複製品們取出來,並把原本的linked list重建回去

這麼一來就不用另外用個hash table把每個node的random pointer指向誰記起來了~


 * Definition for singly-linked list with a random pointer.
 * class RandomListNode {
 *     int label;
 *     RandomListNode next, random;
 *     RandomListNode(int x) { this.label = x; }
 * };
public class Solution {
    public RandomListNode copyRandomList(RandomListNode head) {
        //copy all nodes and link each copy after the original node
        //link random pointers for each copy node
        //restore original list
        RandomListNode cur = head;
        while(cur != null){
            RandomListNode copy = new RandomListNode(cur.label);
            copy.next = cur.next;
            cur.next = copy;
            cur = cur.next.next;

        cur = head;
                cur.next.random = cur.random.next;
            cur = cur.next.next;

        cur = head;
        RandomListNode cHead = new RandomListNode(0);
        RandomListNode copyCur = cHead, copy;
            //extract copy
            copy = cur.next;
            copyCur.next = copy;
            copyCur = copy;

            cur.next = cur.next.next;
            cur = cur.next;

        return cHead.next;

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