#291 Word Pattern II

Dropbox phone interview面經題。



例如:str = "redblueredblue", pattern = "abab", 則a=red, b=blue.

output是判斷str是否符合pattern,return true or false.



redblueredblue a - r 記到map中

redblueredblue b - e 記到map中

redblueredblue a - d 發現和map記錄不合

redblueredblue b - ed 記到map中

redblueredblue a - b 發現和map記錄不合


redblueredblue b - edblue 記到map中

redblueredblue a - r 和map吻合

redblueredblue b - edblue 字串和map吻合,尋找完畢。

宣告一個Map來存pattern-string的mapping table,


Map<Character, String> map = new HashMap<>();
Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();

接下來寫一個function: isMatch,裡面要做的事情是:



若沒有,將當前pattern-string pair存到Map中,看下一個pattern。


public class Solution {
    public boolean wordPatternMatch(String pattern, String str) {
        //create a Map to save pattern-string mapping table
        //create a Set to save strings to avoid mapping same string to different pattern
        //call function isMatch(str, 0, pattern, 0, Map, Set)
        Map<Character, String> map = new HashMap<>();
        Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();
        return isMatch(str, 0, pattern, 0, map, set);

    //function: isMatch(str, 0, pattern, 0, Map, Set)
    //  if(i==str.length && j == pattern.length) return true;
    //  if(i==str.length || j == pattern.length) return false;
    //  get current pattern c
    //  check if this pattern is already saved in map
    //  if yes, get the string corresponding to c -> s
    //          use str.startswith(s, i) to check if s can be found
    //  if no, enter a loop for backtracking, for(k=i; k<str.length(); k++)
    //         String p = str.substring(i, k + 1);
    //         if set contains p, this p can't match to another pattern, so continue.
    //         put (c,p) into map and put p into set
    //         continue to match the rest by calling if(isMatch(str, k+1, pattern, j+1, map, set)) return true;
    //         if can't match, remove (c,p) from map, and remove p from set
    //  after getting out the loop, we tried all pattern-substring combinations but still fail to match. return false
    boolean isMatch(String str, int i, String pattern, int j, Map<Character, String> map, Set<String> set){
        if(i==str.length() && j == pattern.length()) return true;
        if(i==str.length() || j == pattern.length()) return false;

        char c = pattern.charAt(j);
            String s = map.get(c);
            if(!str.startsWith(s, i)){
                return false;

            return isMatch(str, i+s.length(), pattern, j+1, map, set);
            for(int k=i; k<str.length(); k++){
                String p = str.substring(i, k + 1);
                if(isMatch(str, k+1, pattern, j+1, map, set)) 
                    return true;

            return false;

results matching ""

    No results matching ""