# 731 My Calendar II

實作一個class叫MyCalendarTwo來存events。當不會造成triple booking時就可以加入新event。 題目提供class 框架:

class MyCalendarTwo {
    public MyCalendarTwo() {        

    public boolean book(int start, int end) {  

 * Your MyCalendarTwo object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * MyCalendarTwo obj = new MyCalendarTwo();
 * boolean param_1 = obj.book(start,end);

Idea 把有overlap的區間存在一個data structure, 把沒有overlap的區間存在另一個data structure。 每book新的區間,和overlap比對,若有重疊,return false, 不然就return true,並加入nooverlap


class MyCalendarTwo {
    List<start/end pair> overlap
    List<start/end pair> nooverlap
    public MyCalendarTwo() {
        initialize overlap and nooverlap

    public boolean book(int start, int end) {
        for all pairs in overlap
            if start > pair.end || end < pair.start
            else // there is overlap
                return false

        for all pairs in nooverlap
            if start > pair.end || end < pair.start
                merge and add to overlap

        add start/end pair to nooverlap
        return true        

 * Your MyCalendarTwo object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * MyCalendarTwo obj = new MyCalendarTwo();
 * boolean param_1 = obj.book(start,end);


class MyCalendarTwo {
    List<List<Integer>> overlap;
    List<List<Integer>> nooverlap;

    public MyCalendarTwo() {
        overlap = new ArrayList<>();
        nooverlap = new ArrayList<>();

    public boolean book(int start, int end) {
        for(List<Integer> list : overlap){
            if(start >= list.get(1) || end <= list.get(0))  continue;
            else return false;

        for(List<Integer> list : nooverlap){
            if(start >= list.get(1) || end <= list.get(0))  continue;
                overlap.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(Math.max(start, list.get(0)), Math.min(end, list.get(1)))));

        nooverlap.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(start, end)));
        return true;

 * Your MyCalendarTwo object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * MyCalendarTwo obj = new MyCalendarTwo();
 * boolean param_1 = obj.book(start,end);

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