# 418 Sentence Screen Fitting
給一個句子String[] sentence,還有螢幕長寬 int rows, int cols。 問句子可以在螢幕上被印出幾次。印出時sentence中的單字要用空格隔開。
Concept: 用int start來記錄可以被印出合法(一個word不會被切斷)的char數。 跑過螢幕上的每個row,看每個row可放幾個char。 最後把start除以句子的總長即為完整印出的次數。
//String s = join all element in sentence, add " " at the end.
//int start to record how many valid characters from s have been put to our screen.
//int l = length of s
//for each row
// add col to start
// if the character at start % l is " "
// this row can fit, add start by 1(skip the blank space, so the next row can start from a new word)
// else,
// next word can't fit in this row, remove extra characters
//return start/l
public class Solution {
public int wordsTyping(String[] sentence, int rows, int cols) {
String s = String.join(" ",sentence) +" ";
int start = 0, l = s.length();
for(int i=0; i<rows; i++){
start += cols;
if(s.charAt(start % l) == ' '){
while(start > 0 && s.charAt((start-1) % l) != ' '){
return start/l;